Inglés para trabajar en call center | ABA English (2024)

Algunas conversaciones de un call center

Aquí algunas frases que te serán de mucha utilidad para hablar inglés como un buen profesional en el call center:

1) Para atender la llamada de un cliente insatisfecho. Es indispensable mantener la calma y saber escuchar al cliente.

a. I completely understand your situation.

(Entiendo perfectamente su situación.)

b. I can certainly help you.

(Desde luego que le puedo ayudar.)

c. I personally will do everything I can to help you!

(Personalmente haré todo lo posible por ayudarle.)

d. What I can do for you right now is…

(Lo que puedo hacer ahora mismo por usted es….)

2) Antes de la compra de un producto y/o servicio.

a. Would you like further information about the product?

(¿Te gustaría más información sobre el producto?.)

b. If you have more questions, please call us.

(Si tiene más preguntas, por favor, llámanos.)

c. Will you hold for a moment while I check on that? Please stay in line.

(¿Puede esperar un momento mientras lo reviso? Por favor manténgase en línea.)

3) Durante la compra de un producto y/o servicio.

a. We are glad you reached out.

(Nos alegra que nos haya contactado.)

b. Is there anything else we can do for you today?

(¿Hay algo más que podamos hacer por usted hoy?.)

c. All our products come with one-year full warranty.

(Todos nuestros productos vienen con garantía total de un año.)

4) Servicio postventa.

a. I wanted to follow-up on your request from the other day.

(Quisiera hacer seguimiento a su solicitud del otro día.)

b. Feel free to contact us again if you need anything.

(Siéntese libre de contactarnos otra vez si necesitase cualquier cosa.)

c. On behalf of our company, I would like to thank you for your patience.

(En nombre de nuestra empresa, me gustaría agradecerle por su paciencia.)

Inglés para trabajar en call center | ABA English (2024)


How to practice English for call center? ›

English for call center: how to improve your English language skills
  1. Listen to podcasts and radio.
  2. Practice the call center script.
  3. Practice with a partner.
  4. Engage in multitasking.
  5. 16 English phrases to use on a call center call.
  6. Boost your call center English language skills even further with Preply Business.

What are the English phrases to use on a call center call? ›

Allow me to check with my supervisor, to accurately handle/answer your concern/question.” “Please give me a moment to check my reference tool for an accurate information/price/reference.” “Great question, please give me one moment to find you the correct information.”

How do you answer do you have any call center experience? ›

Mention any previous experience of working directly with customers – whether in a call centre or not – and do not be afraid to ask questions of your interviewers if you are unsure of anything. Sprinkling answers with real examples of times when the candidate has helped customers in previous roles will add authenticity.

How to talk in a call center? ›

The best way to handle customers in a call center is to stay calm, use active listening skills, show empathy, apologize when necessary, and communicate clearly. It's also important to take breaks as needed to reduce burnout.

How can I improve my English speaking skills in a call center? ›

Call Center Accent Training: 10 Tips to Improve Your English...
  1. Engage in Conversations.
  2. Get Comfortable with the General American Accent.
  3. Enroll in Accent Reduction Classes.
  4. Practice Call Center Greetings and Vocabulary.
  5. Utilize Phonological Guides.
  6. Listen to English Media.
  7. Learn Stress Patterns and Intonation.
Apr 3, 2024

How can I speak English on a call? ›

These steps will help you ensure you're as ready for that big conversation as you can be!
  1. Write down what you want to talk about. ...
  2. Rehearse the call beforehand. ...
  3. Start with some small talk. ...
  4. State your purpose in calling clearly. ...
  5. Remember good manners. ...
  6. Focus on pronouncing your words clearly. ...
  7. Try to listen as much as you talk.

How to answer a call in a call center? ›

How to answer calls in a call center
  1. Answer with a professional tone.
  2. Use common terminology.
  3. Start and end the call with enthusiasm.
  4. Keep the conversation personal.
  5. Clarify the customer's issues and concerns.
  6. Don't Interrupt your customer.
  7. Don't belittle the customer's issues.
  8. Don't give incorrect information.

What is a good script for a call center? ›

Opening scripts for call center agents

Hello, I am [your name] calling from [name of company]. Is it a good time to talk? Whether you've called them or they have called you, start by introducing yourself and your company. Revealing the agent's name is the first step towards establishing a connection.

Why call center best answer? ›

You could say, “I'm excited to work in a fast-paced workplace that will push me to use all of my skills to solve problems and improve the customer experience. I love getting to practice my communication skills and talk to people.

Can you tell me a little about yourself? ›

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

How to pass the interview in call center? ›

Let's go!
  1. Dress Well. Ensure that you appear professional when you arrive for the interview. ...
  2. Mind your behavior and body language. Be as professional as possible when attending interviews. ...
  3. Polish your grammar and pronunciation. ...
  4. Learn how to perform well under stress. ...
  5. Study about the company and job you're applying for.

How do I start working in a call center? ›

How to become a call center agent
  1. Get relevant skills training. The first step to becoming a call center agent is to get relevant skills training. ...
  2. Evaluate your skills as you plan your resume. ...
  3. Design a resume with a focus on your skills. ...
  4. Submit applications. ...
  5. Complete an interview. ...
  6. Continue learning hard skills on the job.

How do you say hello in a call center? ›

Top 10 Best Customer Service Greeting Phrases
  1. "Thank you for calling Company XYZ; this is Bob. ...
  2. "Good morning/afternoon/evening! ...
  3. "Hello, you're through to Bob at Company XYZ. ...
  4. "Thank you for contacting us today. ...
  5. "Greetings! ...
  6. "Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome to Company XYZ. ...
  7. "Hi, this is Bob.
Mar 19, 2024

How can I practice in a call center? ›

20 Call Center Best Practices for Amazing Customer Service
  1. Have a Centralized Knowledge Base. ...
  2. Aim to Serve. ...
  3. Avoid Negativity and Finger-Pointing. ...
  4. Create Call Center SOPs. ...
  5. Show, Don't Tell. ...
  6. Provide Thorough Call Center Agent Training. ...
  7. Utilize Call Monitoring Tools. ...
  8. Have a System for Organizing Customer Inquiries.
Mar 20, 2024

How can I improve my call center talk time? ›

10 Tips How to Lower Average Handling Time (AHT)
  1. Start With Coaching. ...
  2. Create a Knowledge Base. ...
  3. Send Out Daily Emails. ...
  4. Encourage In-Call Data Handling. ...
  5. Monitor New Staff. ...
  6. Provide a Vast List of Examples. ...
  7. Automate Demanding Processes. ...
  8. Ask for Full Explanations of the Problem or Reason for the Call.

How can I improve my voice in call center? ›

5 Strategies for Improving Tone in the Call Center
  1. Start Positive. Starting strong with first impressions over the phone can be especially difficult with a challenging customer. ...
  2. Stay Empathic. Encourage your employees to put themselves in your customer's shoes. ...
  3. Listen to Your Customer Cues. ...
  4. Smile. ...
  5. Genuine.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.