Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (2024)

Most companies are using multiple ways of attracting new potential customers or keeping the existing ones engaged on their websites and social media. Even though most businesses stick to Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, Twitter is also a powerful platform for driving more attention to your brand and making informative, creative content.

One of the most effective ways of using this social network is by implementing Twitter cards on your website. They show up on your web page for several reasons, helping your company look more professional and trustworthy. Plus, it drives more traffic to the link you want to share. Finally, it enables you to create posts of various formats and makes them more visually appealing.

What’s a Twitter Card Validator?

It is a special card reader tool that helps you see whether the one you’ve created properly looks and works either on your website or Twitter page.

The tool practically works as a debugger for a variety of issues. It processes your card’s URL and analyses its meta tags and content. It helps you see if the Tweet’s data is relevant and effective enough to drive more engagement.

The checker also shows you previews of what your cards would look like once you post them. You can make all the necessary changes beforehand to make the one look as appealing and professional as possible.

How Can You Use a Twitter Card Checker?

To ensure you’re using the tool to the fullest, read this brief description of how card validation is working. It’s no rocket science — you won’t need any additional skills to deal with it!

Step 1. Insert your page URL and start a free trial.

Once you get to the card Validator page, add your URL to the search bar. The trial registration process is quite quick. You can use your Google or Facebook accounts, no plastic money is needed.

Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (1)

Step 2. Result analysis

After the analysis is over, you’ll get the results right away. The information block is in the Content category. If you have a related Twitter card, it’ll show what information is missing, as well as the one included in the card.

Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (2)

How Do Detect All Pages With Twitter Card Issues?

Our tool can help you solve a range of issues, especially if you need to detect web pages with Twitter card issues. We run not just one URL crawling, but all website. So as result you will get the full site audit. In this case, on the site audit summary page, in the category Social media cards, you can find out all Twitter card issues that your site has. By clicking on the “View issue” button, you can get the list of URLs that have this issue.

Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (3)

On the pages list, you will be able to “View issue in code” and read the instruction on how to fix it.

Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (4)

Also, you can make the manual checking using any browser is enough to check the issue. Open the source code of the flawed page To do this, click the right mouse button at any spot on the page and choose the “browse the code” option.

The source code must contain microdata for Twitter.


Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (5)

Analyze not only twitter card issues, but the entire site!

Make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO.

What is a Twitter Card?

A Twitter card is basically an add-on to your Tweets, it is allows you to add multimedia to your posts, like videos or images. Twitter adds these cards to posts that include your website’s URL. A prerequisite to adding the one is having a meta tag “twitter:card” showing the type you need.

You can choose among the following card types:

  • Website;
  • Video website;
  • Image app;
  • Video app.

All of them help you deliver the most vital information about the website without exceeding the character limit. You can add appealing images (even the ones of larger size or dimensions), informative videos of any length, or just a banner that represents what your company is doing.

You can find more information this video guide by Barbara Feldman.

Is a Twitter Card Important for SEO?

In a nutshell — yes! Twitter cards are a great addition to improving your website’s SEO metrics. They help increase engagement, improve the CTR, and hence, result in more conversions. Getting extra traffic from Twitter is another way of reaching more people and potential customers of your product.

Plus, they are an excellent means of boosting your brand awareness, specifically through social media. Since the outreach from social channels is quite massive in most cases, it may be useful for your company to involve an additional promotional channel. Twitter is a perfect way to reach broader audiences worldwide.

How to Fix a “Twitter Card is Missing” Issue?

Twitter card missing issue means that website has pages without it.

To fix the issue it is necessary to add microdata to the page template to have the card displayed. Check out twitter recommendations here.

There might also be a problem when a Twitter card is incomplete. This means your website has the one, but it’s missing some information or metadata. If you want to solve this quickly, you can check our instructions right here.


How do you get a 2022 Twitter card?

First, head to Twitter Ads. Go to the Creatives menu and click on Cards. There, you'll see a blue Create button. Choose the desired format and start editing it. Add a headline, upload a picture or video, add a link to your website, and name it. After that, your card will go into the library, where you can make final edits before posting it. Publish the Tweet, and you're good to go.

How do Twitter cards work?

It helps you add pictures, videos, and media experiences to your Tweets. As a result, it helps drive more traffic to your website. For example, you may add a few markup lines to your webpage, and users that Tweet links to your content will have a Card attached to the Tweet. It's visible to their followers, and people can see a neat Twitter card that'll make them want to reach your website.

Can you edit Twitter cards?

You can't change an image that's attached to the one and has already been published. If you want to change this picture in a post, move the cursor towards it and click Change to Photo Post.

Twitter Card Validator | Test How your Card Will Look Like ☑ (2024)


How to validate Twitter Cards? ›

Step 1: Go to the Twitter card validator webpage. Step 2: Paste the URL of the page with the meta tags. Click on the “Preview Card” button. If everything is working fine, the card preview will show you how your card will appear in the Twitter feeds.

How to fix a Twitter card? ›

Refreshing a Card in a Tweet
  1. Add Card metadata to a page.
  2. Tweet URL to that page.
  3. Refresh your browser to view the Card contents on your timeline.
  4. Change Card metadata on the page.
  5. Take the same URL and runs it through
  6. Tweet the new URL.
  7. Refresh your browser to view the updates.

How to debug a Twitter card? ›

How to Use a Twitter Debugger Tool to Preview Twitter Cards
  1. Prepare your card.
  2. Get the Twitter debugger tool.
  3. Enter the Card URL.
  4. Click “Preview Card”
  5. Check the preview.
  6. Troubleshoot if required.
  7. Revalidate after fixing the issues.
Jan 18, 2024

How do I validate my card? ›

To verify if the credit card is valid, perform the following steps.
  1. Open the Credit Card Validator.
  2. Enter the "Credit Card Number" in the provided section.
  3. Click on the "Validate Now" button.
  4. The tool validates whether the credit card is genuine or not.

How much does the Twitter verification mark cost? ›

Twitter confirmed the new price of $7.99 per month on November 5, 2022. The new verification system began rollout on November 9, 2022, a day after the 2022 United States elections.

Why do I keep getting an error message on Twitter? ›

Explanation: This error is usually returned when there's a temporary server issue at Twitter or when they're experiencing an outage. Solution: Please try publishing this post again a little later, maybe in an hour, so that Twitter can recover from the outage that has caused your post to bounce.

How do Twitter Cards work? ›

With X Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos and media experiences to Tweets, helping to drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of markup to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that's visible to their followers.

Can you still make Twitter Cards? ›

You can also create Twitter Cards within the Twitter interface and save them to make use of in Tweets. To do this go to your Ads Interface. Simply select Create card and you can create any one of four different card types to use in your Tweets. Creating and editing your cards within Twitter is really easy.

How to clear Twitter Card cache? ›

There is a very simply way to force a cache invalidation of the Twitter Card bot. If you are composing a tweet with an URL like you only have to append a /# to the URL like so: and it will immediatly fetch the updated metadata.

What is the Twitter code validator? ›

Using a Twitter Card Validator

You can use the Twitter Card Validator app after making all the necessary changes to your website's HTML code and adding the required metatags. This tool verifies if your implemented meta tags are correct.

Can you cheat Twitter picker? ›

Can you “cheat” TwitterPicker, as a host? [1/3] It's not a “cheat” since it does not alter the winner per draw, it's just possible to create multiple draws of the same tweet. This is because TwitterPicker was designed for ease of access without needing to login as that makes it harder for users.

What is Twitter Card validator? ›

Validate how your website will be displayed when it is shared in a tweet.

How to create Twitter Card in 2024? ›

How To Make Twitter Cards
  1. Go to “More” on Twitter on Desktop.
  2. Go to Twitter Ads.
  3. Click “Creatives” and select “Cards.”
  4. Then, click “Create Card” (You'll have the option to make a 'website card' or a video website card. ...
  5. Then, add the media, a headline, and a website URL * Don't forget your UTM Codes*

What is a meta Twitter Card? ›

Metadata provides information about the contents of a webpage, such as the title, content type, description, etc. Open Graph tags and Twitter Card tags fall into this category: they contain information about the page they're on, and are intended to tell other websites and web services what the page is about.

How do twitter cards work? ›

With X Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos and media experiences to Tweets, helping to drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of markup to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that's visible to their followers.

How do I find a valid Twitter identifier? ›

Visit a site like What's My Twitter ID, Find Twitter ID, or Twitter ID Finder, enter a username, and click the "Find" or "Get ID" button. You can use an X/Twitter User ID finder to find the user ID for any Twitter user as long as you know their username.

How to clear Twitter card cache? ›

There is a very simply way to force a cache invalidation of the Twitter Card bot. If you are composing a tweet with an URL like you only have to append a /# to the URL like so: and it will immediatly fetch the updated metadata.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.