How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (2024)

How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (1)

In this web scraping tutorial, we'll be taking a look at how to scrape - the biggest real estate marketplace in the United States.

In this guide, we'll be scraping rent and sale property information such as pricing info, addresses, photos and phone numbers displayed on property pages.
We'll start with a brief overview of how the website works. Then we'll take a look at how to use the search system to discover properties and, finally, how to scrape all of the property information.

We'll be using Python with a few community packages that'll make this web scraper a breeze - let's dive in!

Hands on Python Web Scraping Tutorial and Example ProjectIf you're new to web scraping with Python we recommend checking out our full introduction tutorial to web scraping with Python and common best practices.

Why Scrape contains a massive real estate dataset: prices, locations, contact information, etc. This is valuable information for market analytics, the study of the housing industry, and a general competitor overview.

So, if we know how to extract data from Zillow we can have access to the biggest real estate property dataset in the US!

For more on scraping use cases see our extensive write-up Scraping Use Cases


In this tutorial, we'll be using Python with two community packages:

  • httpx - HTTP client library which will let us communicate with's servers
  • parsel - HTML parsing library which will help us to parse our web scraped HTML files.

Optionally we'll also use loguru - a pretty logging library that'll help us to keep track of what's going on.

These packages can be easily installed via pip install command:

$ pip install httpx parsel loguru

Alternatively, feel free to swap httpx out with any other HTTP client package such as requests as we'll only need basic HTTP functions which are almost interchangeable in every library. As for, parsel, another great alternative is the beautifulsoup package.

Finding Properties

We'll start our python Zillow scraper by looking at how we can find property listings. For this, Zillow provides powerful search functionality.

Let's take a look at how it functions and how we can use it in Zillow web scraping with Python:

Above, we can see that once we submit our search, a background request is being made to Zillow's search API. We send a search query with some map coordinates and receive hundreds of listing previews. We can see that to query Zillow we only need a few parameter inputs:

{ "searchQueryState":{ "pagination":{}, "usersSearchTerm":"New Haven, CT", "mapBounds": { "west":-73.03037621240235, "east":-72.82781578759766, "south":41.23043771298298, "north":41.36611033618769 }, }, "wants": { "cat1":["mapResults"] }, "requestId": 2}

We can see that this API is really powerful and allows us to find listings in any map area defined by two location points comprised of 4 direction values: north, west, south and east:

How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (3)

This means we can find properties of any location area as long as we know its latitude and longitude. We can replicate this request in our python scraper:

from urllib.parse import urlencodeimport jsonimport httpx# we should use browser-like request headers to prevent being instantly blockedBASE_HEADERS = { "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36", "accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", "accept-language": "en-US;en;q=0.9", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",}url = ""parameters = { "searchQueryState": { "pagination": {}, "usersSearchTerm": "New Haven, CT", # map coordinates that indicate New Haven city's area "mapBounds": { "west": -73.03037621240235, "east": -72.82781578759766, "south": 41.23043771298298, "north": 41.36611033618769, }, }, "wants": { # cat1 stands for agent listings "cat1": ["mapResults"] # and cat2 for non-agent listings # "cat2":["mapResults"] }, "requestId": 2,}response = httpx.get(url + urlencode(parameters), headers=BASE_HEADERS)data = response.json()results = response.json()["cat1"]["searchResults"]["mapResults"]print(json.dumps(results, indent=2))print(f"found {len(results)} property results")

We can see that we can replicate this search request relatively easily. So, let's take a look at how we can scrape this properly!

Scraping Search

To scrape Zillow's search, we need geographical location details which are difficult to come up with unless you're familiar with geographical programming. However, there's an easy way to find the location's geographical details by exploring Zillow's search page itself.
If we take a look at search URL like,-CT_rb/ we can see geographical details hidden away in the HTML body:

How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (4)

We can use simple regular expression patterns to extract these details and submit our geographically based search request. Let's see how we can do it in Python scraping code:

from loguru import logger as logimport httpxasync def _search(query:str, session: httpx.AsyncClient, filters: dict=None, categories=("cat1", "cat2")): """base search function which is used by sale and rent search functions""" html_response = await session.get(f"{query}_rb/") # find query data in search landing page query_data = json.loads(re.findall(r'"queryState":(\{.+}),\s*"filter', html_response.text)[0]) if filters: query_data["filterState"] = filters # scrape search API url = "" found = [] # cat1 - Agent Listings # cat2 - Other Listings for category in categories: full_query = { "searchQueryState": query_data, "wants": {category: ["mapResults"]}, "requestId": randint(2, 10), } api_response = await session.get(url + urlencode(full_query)) data = api_response.json() _total = data["categoryTotals"][category]["totalResultCount"] if _total > 500: log.warning(f"query has more results ({_total}) than 500 result limit ") else:"found {_total} results for query: {query}") map_results = data[category]["searchResults"]["mapResults"] found.extend(map_results) return foundasync def search_sale(query: str, session: httpx.AsyncClient): """search properties that are for sale""""scraping sale search for: {query}") return await _search(query=query, session=session)async def search_rent(query: str, session: httpx.AsyncClient): """search properites that are for rent""""scraping rent search for: {query}") filters = { "isForSaleForeclosure": {"value": False}, "isMultiFamily": {"value": False}, "isAllHomes": {"value": True}, "isAuction": {"value": False}, "isNewConstruction": {"value": False}, "isForRent": {"value": True}, "isLotLand": {"value": False}, "isManufactured": {"value": False}, "isForSaleByOwner": {"value": False}, "isComingSoon": {"value": False}, "isForSaleByAgent": {"value": False}, } return await _search(query=query, session=session, filters=filters, categories=["cat1"])

Above, we define our search functions for scraping rent and sale searches. The first thing we notice is that the rent and the sale pages use the same search endpoint. The only difference is that the rent search applies extra filtering to filter out sale properties.

Let's run this Zillow data scraper and see what results we receive:

Run code and example output
import jsonimport asyncioasync def run(): limits = httpx.Limits(max_connections=5) async with httpx.AsyncClient(limits=limits, timeout=httpx.Timeout(15.0), headers=BASE_HEADERS) as session: data = await search_rent("New Haven, CT", session) print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))if __name__ == "__main__":
[ { "buildingId": "40.609608--73.960045", "lotId": 1004524429, "price": "From $295,000", "latLong": { "latitude": 40.609608, "longitude": -73.960045 }, "minBeds": 1, "minBaths": 1.0, "minArea": 1200, "imgSrc": "", "hasImage": true, "plid": "1611681", "isFeaturedListing": false, "unitCount": 2, "isBuilding": true, "address": "1625 E 13th St, Brooklyn, NY", "variableData": {}, "badgeInfo": null, "statusType": "FOR_SALE", "statusText": "For Rent", "listingType": "", "isFavorite": false, "detailUrl": "/b/1625-e-13th-st-brooklyn-ny-5YGKWY/", "has3DModel": false, "hasAdditionalAttributions": false, },...]

Note: zillow's search is limited to 500 properties per search, so we need to search in smaller geographical squares or use Zillow's zipcode index, which contains all US zipcodes that essential are small geographical zones!

The search returned a lot of useful preview data about each listing. It contains fields like address, geolocation, and some metadata. Though, to retrieve all the listing data, we need to scrape each property listing page, which we can find in the detailUrl field.
So, for our scraper, we can discover properties via location name (be it city, zip code etc.), scrape property previews and then pull all detailUrl fields to scrape all property data. Next, let's take a look how can we do that.

Scraping Properties

Now that we found our listing previews, we can extract the rest of the listing information by scraping each individual page.

To start, let's take a look at where the data we want is located in the property page like the one we scraped previously:

If we take a page source of this page (or any other listing) we can see that property data is hidden in the HTML body as a javascript variable:

How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (5)

This is generally referred as "javascript state cache" and is used by various javascript front ends for dynamic data rendering.

How to Scrape Hidden Web DataFor more on hidden data scraping see our full introduction article that this type of web scraping in greater detail

In this particular example, Zillow is using Next.js framework.

Let's add property scraping and parsing to our scraper code:

import jsonimport asyncioimport httpxfrom parsel import Selectorfrom typing import Listdef parse_property(data: dict) -> dict: """parse zillow property""" # zillow property data is massive, let's take a look just # at the basic information to keep this tutorial brief: parsed = { "address": data["address"], "description": data["description"], "photos": [photo["url"] for photo in data["galleryPhotos"]], "zipcode": data["zipcode"], "phone": data["buildingPhoneNumber"], "name": data["buildingName"], # floor plans include price details, availability etc. "floor_plans": data["floorPlans"], } return parsedasync def scrape_properties(urls: List[str], session: httpx.AsyncClient): """scrape zillow properties""" async def scrape(url): resp = await session.get(url) sel = Selector(text=resp.text) data = sel.css("script#__NEXT_DATA__::text").get() data = json.loads(data) return parse_property(data["props"]["initialReduxState"]["gdp"]["building"]) return await asyncio.gather(*[scrape(url) for url in urls])

Above, to pull data from Zillow we wrote a small function that takes a list of property URLs. Then we scrape their HTML pages, extract embedded javascript state data and parse property info such as address, prices and phone numbers!

Let's run this property scraper and see the results it generates:

Run code & example output
async def run(): limits = httpx.Limits(max_connections=5) async with httpx.AsyncClient(limits=limits, timeout=httpx.Timeout(15.0), headers=BASE_HEADERS) as session: data = await scrape_properties( [""], session=session ) print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))if __name__ == "__main__":
[ { "address": { "streetAddress": "1065 2nd Ave", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "zipcode": "10022", "__typename": "Address", "neighborhood": null }, "description": "Inspired by Alvar Aaltos iconic vase, Aalto57s sculptural architecture reflects classic concepts of design both inside and out. Each residence in this boutique rental building features clean modern finishes. Amenities such as a landscaped terrace with gas grills, private and group dining areas, sun loungers, and fire feature as well as an indoor rock climbing wall, basketball court, game room, childrens playroom, guest suite, and a fitness center make Aalto57 a home like no other.", "photos": [ "", "..." ], "zipcode": "10022", "phone": "646-681-3805", "name": "Aalto57", "floor_plans": [ { "zpid": "2096631846", "__typename": "FloorPlan", "availableFrom": "1657004400000", "baths": 1, "beds": 1, "floorPlanUnitPhotos": [], "floorplanVRModel": null, "maxPrice": 6200, "minPrice": 6200, "name": "1 Bed/1 Bath-1D", ... } ... ]}]

We wrote a quick python scraper that finds Zillow's properties from a given query string and then scrapes each property page for property information.

However, to run this scraper at scale without being blocked, we'll take a look at using ScrapFly web scraping API. ScrapFly will help us to scale up our scraper and avoid blocking and captcha requests.

ScrapFly - Avoiding Blocking and Captchas

Scraping data doesn't seem to be too difficult though unfortunately when scraping at scale it's very likely we'll be blocked or need solve catpchas, which will hinder or completely disable our web scraper.

To get around this, let's take advantage of ScrapFly API which can avoid all of these blocks for us!

How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (7)

ScrapFly offers several powerful features that'll help us to get around Zillow's web scraper blocking:

  • Anti Scraping Protection Bypass
  • Javascript Rendering
  • 190M Pool of Residential or Mobile Proxies

For this we'll be using scrapfly-sdk python package. First, let's install scrapfly-sdk using pip:

$ pip install scrapfly-sdk

To take advantage of ScrapFly's API in our Zillow web scraper all we need to do is change our httpx session code with scrapfly-sdk client requests:

import httpxresponse = httpx.get("some zillow url")# in ScrapFly SDK becomesfrom scrapfly import ScrapflyClient, ScrapeConfigclient = ScrapflyClient("YOUR SCRAPFLY KEY")result = client.scrape(ScrapeConfig( "some zillow url", # we can select specific proxy country country="US", # and enable anti scraping protection bypass: asp=True))

For more on how to scrape data from Zillow using ScrapFly, see the Full Scraper Code section.


To wrap this guide up, let's take a look at some frequently asked questions about web scraping Zillow data:

Is it legal to scrape

Yes. Zillow's data is publicly available; we're not extracting anything personal or private. Scraping at slow, respectful rates would fall under the ethical scraping definition.
That being said, attention should be paid to GDRP compliance in the EU when scraping personal data of non-agent listings (seller's name, phone number etc). For more, see our Is Web Scraping Legal? article.

Does have an API?

Yes, but it's extremely limited and not suitable for dataset collection and there are no Zillow API Python clients available. Instead, we can scrape Zillow data with Python and httpx, which is perfectly legal and easy to do.

How to crawl Zillow?

We can easily create a Zillow crawler with the subjects we've covered in this tutorial. Instead of searching for properties explicitly, we can crawl Zillow properties from seed links (any Zillow URLs) and follow the related properties mentioned in a loop. For more on crawling, see How to Crawl the Web with Python.


In this tutorial we dove into Zillow data extraction by building a scraper in Python.

We used search to discover real estate properties for sale or rent in any given region. To scrape the property data, such as price and building information, contact details etc. we used hidden web data scraping by extracting Zillow's state cache from the HTML page.

For this, we used Python with httpx and parsel packages and to avoid being blocked we used ScrapFly's API that smartly configures every web scraper connection to avoid being blocked. For more on ScrapFly, see our documentation and try it out for free!

Full Scraper Code

Let's take a look at how our full scraper code would look with ScrapFly integration:

import asyncioimport jsonimport refrom random import randintfrom typing import Listfrom urllib.parse import urlencodefrom loguru import logger as logfrom parsel import Selectorfrom scrapfly import ScrapeConfig, ScrapflyClientasync def _search(query: str, session: ScrapflyClient, filters: dict = None, categories=("cat1", "cat2")) -> List[dict]: """base search function which is used by sale and rent search functions""" html_result = await session.async_scrape( ScrapeConfig( url=f"{query}_rb/", proxy_pool="public_residential_pool", country="US", asp=True, ) ) query_data = json.loads(re.findall(r'"queryState":(\{.+}),\s*"filter', html_result.content)[0]) if filters: query_data["filterState"] = filters url = "" found = [] # cat1 - Agent Listings # cat2 - Other Listings for category in categories: full_query = { "searchQueryState": query_data, "wants": {category: ["mapResults"]}, "requestId": randint(2, 10), } api_result = await session.async_scrape( ScrapeConfig( url=url + urlencode(full_query), proxy_pool="public_residential_pool", country="US", asp=True, ) ) data = json.loads(api_result.content) _total = data["categoryTotals"][category]["totalResultCount"] if _total > 500: log.warning(f"query has more results ({_total}) than 500 result limit ") else:"found {_total} results for query: {query}") map_results = data[category]["searchResults"]["mapResults"] found.extend(map_results) return foundasync def search_sale(query: str, session: ScrapflyClient) -> List[dict]: """search properties that are for sale""""scraping sale search for: {query}") return await _search(query=query, session=session)async def search_rent(query: str, session: ScrapflyClient) -> List[dict]: """search properites that are for rent""""scraping rent search for: {query}") filters = { "isForSaleForeclosure": {"value": False}, "isMultiFamily": {"value": False}, "isAllHomes": {"value": True}, "isAuction": {"value": False}, "isNewConstruction": {"value": False}, "isForRent": {"value": True}, "isLotLand": {"value": False}, "isManufactured": {"value": False}, "isForSaleByOwner": {"value": False}, "isComingSoon": {"value": False}, "isForSaleByAgent": {"value": False}, } return await _search(query=query, session=session, filters=filters, categories=["cat1"])def parse_property(data: dict) -> dict: """parse zillow property""" # zillow property data is massive, let's take a look just # at the basic information to keep this tutorial brief: parsed = { "address": data["address"], "description": data["description"], "photos": [photo["url"] for photo in data["galleryPhotos"]], "zipcode": data["zipcode"], "phone": data["buildingPhoneNumber"], "name": data["buildingName"], # floor plans include price details, availability etc. "floor_plans": data["floorPlans"], } return parsedasync def scrape_properties(urls: List[str], session: ScrapflyClient): """scrape zillow properties""" async def scrape(url): result = await session.async_scrape( ScrapeConfig(url=url, asp=True, country="US", proxy_pool="public_residential_pool") ) response = result.upstream_result_into_response() sel = Selector(text=response.text) data = sel.css("script#__NEXT_DATA__::text").get() data = json.loads(data) return parse_property(data["props"]["initialReduxState"]["gdp"]["building"]) return await asyncio.gather(*[scrape(url) for url in urls])async def run(): with ScrapflyClient(key="YOUR_SCRAPFLY_KEY", max_concurrency=2) as session: rentals = await search_rent("New Haven, CT", session) sales = await search_sale("New Haven, CT", session) property_data = await scrape_properties( [""], session=session )if __name__ == "__main__":
How to Scrape Zillow Real Estate Property Data in Python (2024)


Can you scrape data from Zillow? ›

To scrape Zillow (or any other site), you'll need to use a web scraper tool. In this tutorial, we will use the Bardeen scraper, but there are other methods and tools mentioned in this article too. Bardeen is a no-code workflow automation tool with a visual website scraper.

Is Python good for data scraping? ›

Short answer: Yes! Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world thanks to its ease of use & learn, its large community and its portability. This language also dominates all modern data-related fields, including data analysis, machine learning and web scraping.

Does realtor com allow scraping? ›

Realtor scraper

Scrape property details - You can scrape attributes like property images, price, features, neighborhood, nearby schools and many more. You can find details below. Scrape sold properties - You can scrape sold properties through a search list.

How do I import data from Zillow? ›

Open the file in Google sheets
  1. Open Google sheets.
  2. Click on the "File" menu.
  3. Click on the "Import" menu item.
  4. Click on the "Upload" menu item.
  5. Select the file you want to import.
  6. Click on the "Open" button.
13 Sept 2022

How do I get data from Zillow to Python? ›

Common steps
  1. Conduct a search on Zillow by inserting the postal code.
  2. Download HTML code through Python Requests.
  3. Parse the page through LXML.
  4. Export the extracted data to a CSV file.
4 Oct 2022

Can you download Zillow data into Excel? ›

Zillow Data Exporter lets you export Zillow property listings directly from your browser. You can choose to save the property listings in a CSV or XLSX(Excel format) file.

Is it legal to data scrape? ›

Even though it's completely legal to scrape publicly available data, there are two types of information that you should be cautious about. These are: Copyrighted data. Personal information.

Is web scraping difficult in Python? ›

Scraping with Python and JavaScript can be a very difficult task for someone without any coding knowledge. There is a big learning curve and it is time-consuming. In case you want a step-to-step guide on the process, here's one.

Is Python or R better for web scraping? ›

So who wins the web scraping battle, Python or R? If you're looking for an easy-to-read programming language with a vast collection of libraries, then go for Python. Keep in mind though, there is no iOS or Android support for it. On the other hand, if you need a more data-specific language, then R may be your best bet.

How do I scrape on Zillow for free? ›

Steps to Scrape Zillow Data Easily with Octoparse
  1. Step 1: Paste Zillow Link into Octoparse. Copy the URL you need to scrape from Zillow, and paste it into the search box of Octoparse. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Zillow Data Crawler. ...
  3. Step 3: Preview and Extract Data from Zillow.
6 Sept 2022

Can you get sued for scraping? ›

Conclusion. There's no doubt that web scraping private data can get you in trouble. Even if you manage to avoid legal persecution, you'll still have to deal with public opinion. The fact is that most people don't like having their personal information collected without their knowledge or consent.

Is web scraping Zillow legal? ›

You may not use the Zillow Data to provide a service for other businesses. You must use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent the Zillow Data from being downloaded in bulk or otherwise scraped.

Is Zillow API still free? ›

The Zillow API Network is a free service.

How do I scrape data from Zillow in Excel? ›

Export your parsed data to Excel
  1. Go to 'Downloads'
  2. Click on 'Create First Download Link'
  3. Select 'MS Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)'
  4. Type a name for your Excel spreadsheet then click on 'Save'
  5. Click on the download link.

How do I pull data from Zillow to Google Sheets? ›

How to extract data from Zillow and import it into Google Sheets using the Zillow API
  1. Install the Apipheny add-on.
  2. Obtain the Zillow API Key and Host.
  3. Choose your Zillow API endpoint.
  4. Enter Zillow API request into Apipheny.
  5. Run the Zillow API request in your Google Sheet.

Is python used in real estate? ›

For the individual retail investor, python bots pose a promising solution to various elements of real estate investing. In this article, we examine automating the process of analyzing properties.

How do you extract real estate data? ›

One tool, many use cases
  1. Why you should scrape real estate data.
  2. Real estate agencies.
  3. Regular folk.
  4. Building a web scraper to extract real estate data.
  5. Inspect the website code.
  6. Find the data you want to extract.
  7. Prepare the workspace.
  8. Write the code.
13 Jul 2021

What algorithm does Zillow use? ›

In the case of the Zestimate algorithm, the neural network model correlates home facts, location, housing market trends and home values. The Zestimate also incorporates: Home characteristics, including square footage, location or the number of bathrooms.

Can Excel pull live data? ›

You can easily import a table of data from a web page into Excel, and regularly update the table with live data. Open a worksheet in Excel. From the Data menu depending on version of Excel select Get & Transform Data > From Web (eg in Excel 2016) or Get External Data (eg in 2000) or Import External Data (eg in XP).

What database does Zillow use? ›

The Zillow Transaction and Assessment Dataset (ZTRAX) is the nation's largest real estate database made freely available to academic, non-profit, and government researchers.

How do I export from Zillow? ›

Click “Sitemap zillow” in the navigation menu, then hit scrape and let the scraper do its thing. When it's complete (or you think it has looked at enough properties), you can click on “Export data as CSV” and load it into your spreadsheet. I created a spreadsheet that you can make your own copy of and try out.

Is scraping 2022 legal? ›

Web scraping is completely legal if you scrape data publicly available on the internet. But some kinds of data are protected by international regulations, so be careful scraping personal data, intellectual property, or confidential data.

Can websites tell if you scrape? ›

Web pages detect web crawlers and web scraping tools by checking their IP addresses, user agents, browser parameters, and general behavior. If the website finds it suspicious, you receive CAPTCHAs and then eventually your requests get blocked since your crawler is detected.

What scrape sites are legal? ›

United States: There are no federal laws against web scraping in the United States as long as the scraped data is publicly available and the scraping activity does not harm the website being scraped.

Which language is best for scraping? ›

Python is regarded as the most commonly used programming language for web scraping. Incidentally, it is also the top programming language for 2021 according to IEEE Spectrum.

Which Python IDE is best for web scraping? ›

IDLE is written in Python and this IDE is suitable for beginner-level developers who want to practice python development. IDLE is lightweight and simple to use so you can build simple projects such as web browser game automation, basic web scraping applications, and office automation.

What are the risks of web scraping? ›

Data scraping can open the door to spear phishing attacks; hackers can learn the names of superiors, ongoing projects, trusted companies or organizations, etc. Essentially, everything a hacker could need to craft their message to make it plausible and provoke the correct response in their victims.

Is Python harder than R? ›

R can be challenging for beginners to learn due to its nonstandardized code. Python is usually easier for most learners and has a smoother linear curve. In addition, Python requires less coding time since it's easier to maintain and has a syntax similar to the English language.

How long will it take to learn Python? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

Should I learn R or Python first? ›

In the context of biomedical data science, learn Python first, then learn enough R to be able to get your analysis done, unless the lab that you're in is R-dependent, in which case learn R and fill in the gaps with enough Python for easier scripting purposes. If you learn both, you can R code into Python using rpy.

Is Zillow open source? ›

Why ZG participates in open source. Like most modern tech companies, Zillow Group is heavily involved in open source software (OSS) as part of developing our technology.

Can you manipulate Zillow? ›

Yes you can manipulate Zillow values. I make edits to a property every time I sell a property to bring the Zestimate up. Hundreds of priced-to-sell properties.

Is there an API to access MLS data? ›

API Details

The Bridge Listing Output platform allows brokers and developers to access MLS listing data via a modern RESTful API. The data is returned normalized to the RESO data dictionary standard. All data access is at the discretion of our individual MLS partners in the US and Canada.

Can you go to jail for web scraping? ›

So is it legal or illegal? Web scraping and crawling aren't illegal by themselves. After all, you could scrape or crawl your own website, without a hitch. Startups love it because it's a cheap and powerful way to gather data without the need for partnerships.

Is it legal to scrape Google search results? ›

Scraping of Google SERPs isn't a violation of DMCA or CFAA. However, sending automated queries to Google is a violation of its ToS. Violation of Google ToS is not necessarily a violation of the law.

Does Amazon allow data scraping? ›

Amazon can detect Bots and block their IPs

Since Amazon prevents web scraping on its pages, it can easily detect if an action is being executed by a scraper bot or through a browser by a manual agent. A lot of these trends are identified by closely monitoring the behavior of the browsing agent.

Has Zillow ever been sued? ›

Zillow faced another antitrust lawsuit several years ago over its Zestimate valuation tool, but a federal judge dismissed that case last year.

Is Zillow API deprecated? ›

NOTE: Zillow deprecated their API on 2021-09-30, and this package is now deprecated as a result. The GetChart API generates a URL for an image file that displays historical Zestimates for a specific property.

How is web scraping used in real estate? ›

Every Real Estate Business Needs Scraping Solutions

This is where web scraping helps to find data to make better data-backed decisions. Web scraping in the real estate industry can help extract data for contact information, property listings, reviews, etc., which can be a crucial advantage for a real estate company.

Is Zillow API still active? ›

Zillow has shut down all of their data APIs as of the end of February.

Is realtor API free? ›

Realtors Property Resource API (free)

Is it best to buy API for free? ›

Scraping Best Buy Data

You can learn more about the Official BestBuy API where you can use to query information about products, prices, stores, inventory, reviews and much more! The API is free to use and you simply need to register for a Best Buy API key.

Does Zillow use machine learning? ›

There are 3 machine learning models involved in the program: A price estimate model. What is the home worth today on the market? This is Zillow's Zestimate, the model they have the most internal data on.

Is Zillow data accurate? ›

For most major markets, the Zestimate for on-market homes is within 10% of the final sale price more than 95% of the time. The nationwide median error rate for the Zestimate for on-market homes is 1.9%, while the Zestimate for off-market homes has a median error rate of 6.9%.

Can you pull API data into Excel? ›

Basically, you have three options to link API to Excel: Power Query: You can query data from APIs using Excel's built-in tool. This third-party importer will let you automate data exports via APIs to Excel on a custom schedule. VBA: This is a code-based option that is suitable for tech-savvy Excel users.

Does Zillow use Google Maps API? ›

A: Zillow does not currently provide maps in its API call results. You will need to use your own mapping technology. See Yahoo!, Microsoft, or Google for map APIs you can use.

Can I use Zillow API for personal use? ›

There are two ways to access our APIs: API keys or OAuth. API keys can be used by individual customers wanting to pull their own data from Zillow Group systems. If you are a partner company and require access to multiple Zillow Group customers, you will need to use OAuth.

Is Zillow a database? ›

The Zillow Transaction and Assessment Dataset (ZTRAX) is the country's largest real estate database made available free of charge to U.S. academic, nonprofit and government researchers.

Is it legal to scrape data from public websites? ›

Web scraping is completely legal if you scrape data publicly available on the internet. But some kinds of data are protected by international regulations, so be careful scraping personal data, intellectual property, or confidential data.

Is scraping data from websites legal? ›

First things first: Is web scraping legal? Short answer is, yes. Scraping publicly available information on the web in an automated way is legal as long as the scraped data is not used for any harmful purpose or directly attacking the scraped website's business or operations.

What is Zillow scraping? ›

Web Scraping is the process of automatically extracting large amounts of data from websites using software. Such software are called web scrapers or web scraping software. There are numerous benefits of scraping real estate data from Zillow as well as from other real estate websites like Realtor, Trulia etc.

How do you scrub on Zillow? ›

Click “Sitemap zillow” in the navigation menu, then hit scrape and let the scraper do its thing. When it's complete (or you think it has looked at enough properties), you can click on “Export data as CSV” and load it into your spreadsheet. I created a spreadsheet that you can make your own copy of and try out.

Can I get sued for web scraping? ›

Screen scraping: Screen scraping refers to extracting data from web pages that are publicly available. This is generally considered to be legal, as long as the web pages being scraped are not behind a paywall or login page.

Is web scraping a crime? ›

However, doing Web Scraping is technically not any kind of illegal process but the decision is based on further various factors – How do you use the extracted data? or Are you violating the 'Terms & Conditions' statements?, etc.

Is scraping data ethical? ›

Data scraping is ethical as long as the scraping bot respects all the rules set by the websites and the scraped data is used with good intentions. If you want to know more about the technical and legal aspects of data scraping.

Is scraping legal in USA? ›

Even though it's completely legal to scrape publicly available data, there are two types of information that you should be cautious about. These are: Copyrighted data. Personal information.

Is scraping Google Maps legal? ›

Yes, scraping data from Google Maps is legal. You can use the official Google Maps API to extract data from Google Maps. However, it limits how much data you can scrape from the website. Using Google Maps crawlers and web scraping tools is an efficient way to do so.

How much does scraping cost? ›

For a team service, the web scraping cost might be high or low depending on the size of the job. The cost usually ranges from around $600 to $1000.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.